Our Story

After retiring from 7 seasons of tree planting in western Canada, Shane and I decided to put some roots down in Northern Alberta on Treaty 8 Territory where I was born. Being that we met and fell in love in the woods (more specifically a cut block planting trees) the forest has always been the place we go to find peace and gain knowledge, from both plants and animals alike. And so, our passion for harvesting earth medicine began. When I'm not being a hermit with my animals, reading books, taking in strays, or watering flowers at my seasonal job, I am most likely outside foraging plants and mushrooms. In 2021 I completed my masters herbalist diploma which has given me a better understanding of how to harvest and prepare plant medicine. I've always felt connected to the land and I believe a big reason for that is my indigenous and mennonite heritage. My ancestors held great knowledge of the land and I carry that with me as I continue learning about plants and all of their healing properties, gaining insight from indigenous elders and their traditional methods. And by doing so, hopefully connect with my heritage and the ways of life before colonization. I strive to work with what the land provides and mindfully forage throughout the seasons, practising reciprocity, creating earth medicine with love and intention, and to share it with others.